After more than a year of delay we were finally able to host our 7th Colorado workshop. It was not without some difficulty and a lot of nasal swabbing & testing. The weather was very bright and clear with beautiful
Visiting Beijing, Shifu, and Friends 2019

Having just returned from my first visit to Beijing in 5 years I have a lot to think about. It was a specifically long and tiring trip as I first went to Poole, UK, accepted a very promising apprentice and
New View on Old Ties
It’s been 5 years since I have seen Shifu. Life moves slowly and flies by. Beijing changed yet also not at all. In some ways things really come full circle in ways impossible to predict. Shifu was in very good
Poole U.K. June 2019 Gongfu Jia Workshop a Sweaty Success

For 8 days we trained, joked, storied, ate & drank. It was a great time and a lot of territory was covered. We had many returning and some new attendees. Hopefully the wait will not be so long for the
Restorative & Cultivation Practice
Gongfu can be practice anywhere, even in less than ideal conditions. The dedicated and driven practitioner will not be hindered by adverse locations and conditions, however the value of an ideal natural practice location also cannot be overlooked.
August 2018 Poole, UK Workshop a Great Event

This August was a wonderful event, exhausting, inspiring, sweaty, bitter, affirming and stimulating. The attendees, around 11-12 of them of varying levels of experience and age all worked very hard and did well clarifying their understandings of the practice methods.
New additions
Yesterday we had the good fortune to welcome Yu Dechang to our gongfu family. He has been a very hard working and dedicated student and shows great promise to develop gongfu and carry on this rare art. His dedication and
Marin Spivack Chen Shi Taijiquan Gongfu Jia 2017 summer workshop Fort Collins Colorado highlights

Weather was favorable, the training was quite rigorous. The group was very inspired, friendly and focused. A good time was had by all and the seeds of this practice have been panted. Next session is in the planning phases.
Through the Door
Yesterday was a special day as we welcomes Omar Lakri through the door of traditional Chen Shi Taijiquan Gongfu Jia! He has been a hard working student and now as a 21st gen. Tudi of the art he will walk
Interesting old Chen Taijiquan Lineage Chart from Gene Chen
This is the old lineage chart given to us (students of Gene Chen) back in the 1990’s, before the commercialization of Chen family and the big business of Taiji Tourism. Memories..