As the cold season comes on strong, the urge is to be indoors, warm and comfortable. Of course this urge is a survival instinct, because where we are located without the SUV’s, mechanical heating and other benefits of modern technology,
Chen Taijiquan Form & Method 2012 #6
Last one in this series, covering Practice flow, creative drills sanshou variations: This video touches on a subject that is both sensitive, and one that I have been working on privately for over ten years; how to bridge the gap
Applications methods from DaLun(r) practice #5 2012 Series
Some methods from, hi pat on horse, part wild horse mane, and step back press elbow can be seen among others: In the Taijiquan territory of today, the popular use for the term tuishou usually refers to a kind of
#4 2012 Application Series; Application Variations from Qinna/Grappling
How many methods from Chen Taijiquan Yilu/Erlu can you pick out?
Applications teaching: Bishenchui & Huxinchui (2012 #3)
Traditional old-school grappling methods commonly seen in tuishou context. These particular methods come down directly in this line from Chen Zhaokui and the corresponding practice methods are illustrated verbatim in those forms (AKA “xinjia” or “new frame”) which is actually
Marin Spivack Chen Taijiquan Form & Method 2012 #2 Zhongpan, Hidden Punch & Heel Kick Variations
Discussion to follow.
Marin Spivack Chen Taijiquan Form & Method 2012 Series #1
Discussion to follow.
Marin Spivack Chen Taiji Quan Yilu 8 Sequences Autumn 2012
Autumn is the best season for outdoors practice in New England. Taijiquan Form practice is a priceless treasure of many generations, and centuries of inner refinement. Nothing feels or functions quite like this.