This is a multi-part interview by a Podcast in Israel called “No Wax Needed” that focuses on broad variety of martial arts and martial arts related subjects. In this case their audience is not specially focused on Chen Taijiquan, or
Welcome to an Old Friend
Saturday we had cause for celebration as we welcome another long term compatriot in the Taijiquan gongfu pursuit through the door to deeper practice and preservation of this ages old art. Nuri Friedlander has been a hard working student for
Chen Shi Taijiquan & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Crashup

The video series you are about to watch is a walk through of some of our in-the-moment fun and research. I, (Marin Spivack), am at the time these videos were made a 22 year practitioner, 20th gen. tudi of Chenyu,
Chen Taijiquan Chan Si Jin & The Copy Expert

Regarding shenfa and the deeper ‘mysterious’ structures and actions, many people can approximate these actions. Many people can watch some videos or spend an hour with a skilled practitioner and make a decent copy of the movements or actions they
Chen Taijiquan Gongfu Jia & The Death of Romance

Besides being a centuries old Chinese martial art, Chen Taijiquan always was and especially now is a kind of celebration of culture and philosophy. People the world over often see and use this practice as an affirmation and illustration of
Attaining Chen Taijiquan Gongfu & Character of Teachers

How does one go about getting through the door of the school (or teacher) which they have decided they want to learn from? This can be a complicated territory for would be students of Chinese internal gongfu. Due to cultural
Chen Taijiquan Survival in Chen Village Through the Difficult Years Part 3
(By Warmond Fang) This is the third and perhaps final article in covering the history of Chen Village and the development of Chen Taijiquan. This article will cover the time period starting from the Cultural Revolution and to the Return
Chen Taijiquan Survival in Chen Village Through the Difficult Years Parts 1 & 2
These are several very informative articles written on facebook by Warmond Fang in response to much misinformation about this fascinating history. Copyright 2016! Posted here with permission. Part 1: (Taiji-guy-X was) claiming that Chen Taijiquan has no broken continuity and
Chen Taijiquan Gongfu Jia; Roots Determine the Genetics of Trunk and Branches
The reason for the stance methods, and the low stance methods is not (in our line) solely due to the common talking point that it is for strength, or even the very true point that it develops root. In our
Taijigongfu power
T. Klugman practices Lan Zhayi absorbing local vibes.