One of the great misunderstandings brought to the west with the popularization of “Tai Chi Chuan” is the meaning of its name. This practice is constantly referred to as ‘Grand Ultimate Fist” among more bizarre translations. It is also fairly
Rule Vs. Compromise in ‘Advanced’ Chen Taijiquan Practice; Leaning in Form Practice
Taijiquan has become a sort of spectator sport, which is to say that people have grown very accustomed to understanding Taijiquan visually. people who watch and critique often, and often as a primary way of learning about it, are generally
Traditional Taijiquan Gongfu Does Not Mix
Among the weekend warrior, or ‘enthusiast’ crowd, it has become popular over the years to think and then claim that one can or should practice ‘some’ Tai Chi for specific benefits while practicing other arts for other benefits that Tai